Make sure "Allow local lan access" is checked in the VPN client. If you are in control of your lan, consider changing the subnet of that lan to one of the following if its not this already.;;; This is what my Sys Admin buddy told me I needed to do to make this work. YMMV. Ed

Jul 09, 2018 Lennart Schedin: How to bypass Cisco VPN client LAN Jun 22, 2011 Restrict Remote VPN Network's Access to Specific IP On the LAN-to-LAN VPN profile of the Vigor Router in Head Office, change the Local IP / Subnet Mask from the whole network to the server's IP only. 3. When VPN is up, Branch Office Router will only have the routing information to the server's IP so that the clients in Branch Office can only access the server. In order to simultaneously access the local and remote VPN network you need to enable a feature called split-tunneling. Due the security reasons outlined above, I do not recommend enabling this, however in some cases it is necessary or perhaps you just wanted to know why.

I have used Cisco VPN Client version, and after installing the Shrew VPN (version 2.1.7) and importing Cisco profile, I was able to access local LAN while connected to corporate VPN without any additional configuration of Shrew VPN connection (or software).

How to Access LAN Resources from WLAN Using SSL-VPN When How to Access LAN Resources from WLAN Using SSL-VPN When WGS is Enabled. 03/26/2020 1112 12042. DESCRIPTION: This article provides the configuration involved in accessing the local resources from the wireless when the WGS is enabled with out the use of the “office gate” of the GVC client and can avail the Luxury of SSL VPN access especially if it’s an Apple (MAC) environment where GVC

NetExtender or Mobile Connect in tunnel all mode forces all traffic to be routed over the SSL-VPN adapter. To allow your end users access to internet over the UTM-SSLVPN, we will need to allow WAN Remote Access Networks (a network address object whose value acts like a default route), and the Tunnel All option must be selected on the Client Routes page

VPN is used from a wide range of locations so "local LAN" will have different IP networks up to each's location. How can I allow local lan access to these guys? On the IPSEC client (on Cisco routers at least), that was possible with just one command if you remember. Enabling OpenVPN clients to access to the LAN. – Life in In my previous post I wrote about how to setup an SSL VPN server on Windows 2012 R2 and enable external network access to the server using OpenVPN.. This article will walk you through the process of configuring IP forwarding on our Windows server and exposing static routes to enable VPN clients to access network devices on the LAN given that Out-the-box OpenVPN will only allow the clients to How to Access LAN Resources from WLAN Using SSL-VPN When How to Access LAN Resources from WLAN Using SSL-VPN When WGS is Enabled. 03/26/2020 1112 12042. DESCRIPTION: This article provides the configuration involved in accessing the local resources from the wireless when the WGS is enabled with out the use of the “office gate” of the GVC client and can avail the Luxury of SSL VPN access especially if it’s an Apple (MAC) environment where GVC OpenVPN Client Local LAN Access - Server Fault You have to make sure your office PC has a static vpn 10.8.0.x IP (use ccd directory for this, although generally pool persist should be ok). You have to allow IP forwarding on your office PC (depends on OS how you do that). Then create a route for that has your office PC VPN IP as gateway (not you VPN server!)