2020-6-7 · Is there an online/web interface to search and list apt-get packages and see summaries and recommendations? Ask Question Asked 6 years, 7 months ago. Active 7 months ago. Viewed 11k times 31. 8. I'm looking for sort of an 'app-store' or Google Play store type functionality for apt-get packages. What I'd really like to do is select a category

How to Install Specific Version of Package using apt-get 2020-7-23 · Install a specific version of a package can be useful to avoid the bugs when you know which version of a package is concerned and make sure to disable a specific package from updating by holding the packages so it won't get automatically updated when you run 'apt-get upgrade'. To handle Debian-based system packages, we use the apt-get command. Ubuntu/Debian Linux apt-get package management cheat … 2017-5-7 · apt-get add a new package. The syntax is: apt-get install {package-name} To install a package called samba, run: # apt-get install samba OR $ sudo apt-get install samba. How do I search for package names? To find software packages use the apt-cache command: $ apt-cache search {package-name} To find vim package list, enter: $ apt-cache search vim OR How to Use APT-GET Commands In Linux {Beginner Tutorial 2 days ago · On the other hand, use apt-cache in instances when you need to search for new packages. However, many users are still confused when it comes to the difference between apt-get and apt. Linux introduced apt in 2014 as a friendlier command-line tool for front-end users. How to List Installed Packages on Ubuntu

Ubuntu通过apt-get安装指定版本和查询指定软件 …

1 day ago · Starting with version 14.04, Ubuntu comes pre-equipped with the apt package manager. Besides helping you install packages, apt makes listing installed packages easy. Start by opening the terminal. To generate a list of all installed packages: sudo apt list –installed


Debian -- Debian Packages Search 2020-7-19 · Search the contents of packages. This search engine allows you to search the contents of Debian distributions for any files (or just parts of file names) that are part of packages. You can also get a full list of files in a given package.