US Army pressured to rename bases - Global Times

A sign at Fort Bragg, N.C., one of the army bases named after a Confederate leader. As the nation erupts in protests over police treatment of African Americans, these base names are coming under 10 Army bases named for Confederates. Could they be 2020-6-9 · The Army is the only branch of the military with bases named for Confederate leaders, according to the Congressional Research Service. The bases are all in the South. The bases … Asbestos on Army Bases - Which Army Bases Are At-Risk 2020-3-30 · Asbestos and Army Bases Explained. Asbestos is a cancer-causing mineral that was widely used on Army bases across the world. From the 1930s to the late 1970s, the U.S. Army used asbestos in barracks, vehicles, and weapons systems because it was a …

Five Women Veterans Who Deserve to Have Army Bases …

2020-6-9 · The Army named the bases above in the early 20th century, as part of a national effort to whitewash the Confederacy’s defense of slavery. The Army is the only armed service to lend support to Obama Admin Turned Down Renaming of Army Bases 2 days ago · The Army’s top spokesman, Brig. Gen. Malcolm B. Frost, issued a brief statement in the aftermath of questions about whether the military ought to consider changing the name of bases like Fort Bragg, North Carolina, which is named after the man who led the Confederate Army … Pressure Mounts To Rename Army Bases That Honor

List of military bases in Georgia. There are 12 military bases in Georgia which are listed below. There are 7 Army bases, 2 Navy bases, 2 Air Force bases, no Marine bases, and no Coast Guard bases

Bases and Units - Canadian Army