Learn more about how you edit the privacy settings for your photo albums on Facebook. We're working to update facebook.com and the Help Center. If you don't see instructions for the version you're using, learn how to switch versions or report a problem .

Note: Blocking messages from someone is different from blocking them on Facebook. If you block messages from someone, but you don't block them on Facebook, you'll still be able to see their Facebook profile. Depending on their privacy settings, you may also be able to see things like their status updates, comments, likes and tags on Facebook. How to edit or delete a Facebook Messenger message that is I hope this can help you. 1. Open Messenger app on your smartphone. 2. Head to the chat windows from which you want to delete the message. 3. Select the message and press and hold it for a while. 4. Once selected, tap on 'Remove' option. 5. After How to protect your profile picture and cover photo - BT Jan 11, 2018 Changing the Privacy Settings on Facebook Photos - Steve's

Tap Edit post privacy. If you don't see this: In most cases, if the photo was shared as part of an album, you'll need to change the privacy settings for the whole album. You can only edit the privacy settings for individual photos in certain albums, including Profile Pictures and Cover Photos. Tap to choose who can see your photo. Tap .

3 Ways to Mass Change Privacy Settings for Old Facebook Posts Mar 29, 2019

Unfriending or Blocking Someone | Facebook Help Center

Expired: You've logged into these apps and websites with Facebook, but it appears you haven't been active for more than 90 days. In some cases, an app or website may be marked as expired by Facebook. They may still have access to info you previously shared, but their ability to make additional requests for private info has expired.