Mar 23, 2018 · If you’ve used Facebook for a while, it would take way too much time to go back and delete every post individually. Personally, I’ve been using Facebook’s “On This Day” feature to check back over old posts and delete those I don’t like. But, if you want a quick way to delete a lot of posts at once, you’ll need to use a browser

May 17, 2020 · How to Delete Watch Video History on Facebook using PC Deleting the watch video history on Facebook for web or desktop is easy. We have that amazing feature Activity log to first get into the list of all videos we have watched and then manage the privacy for those videos or delete them if we want. To delete Video from Facebook Watch History, tap on the three-dots next to the video you want to remove from the watch history. Then, tap Delete. How to Delete Facebook Watched History on Mac/Windows 10. The recent update has changed the Facebook web interface, which brings all the options and settings of the Facebook app on the Facebook web. To delete a Facebook Story from the archive, click on "Your Story" and then click the word "Archive." Now go to the photo or video you wish to delete, click on it, and then click the three dots at Jan 30, 2019 · How to delete Facebook posts. The base of my project consisted of a Chrome extension called Social Book Post Manager (which I can imagine is quite popular lately). The extension basically runs on your Activity Log and allows you to delete posts, unlike posts and hide/unhide posts from your Facebook history. May 12, 2016 · To delete an individual watched video, click "Edit" icon, then choose "Delete". 5. To delete all watched videos at once, click "Clear Video Watch History" link. Dec 17, 2019 · In Facebook Messenger, you can delete individual Facebook messages from your history, or you can delete an entire conversation history with another Facebook user. . Although you may delete a message or an entire conversation from your Facebook Messenger history, this does not delete the conversation from the histories of other users who were part of the conversation and received messages that yo

May 08, 2020 · How to Delete Facebook Posts. Ready to scrub your Facebook history clean? Let’s start with the basics. If you’re only concerned about a handful of posts, then you should just delete them manually. Go directly to the post and complete the following steps: Click the options icon in the upper right corner of the post and click Delete.

Jun 29, 2020 · If you’re using the New Facebook Theme. Click on the down arrow on the upper right corner of the page (near your profile). Choose Activity Log. Look for Search History on the menu to the left. If you can’t find it, click on More. To delete the search history either individually or as a whole, follow the instructions as detailed in the Delete Facebook Share #StopHateForProfit. Facebook launders toxicity. It's divisive and exploitative. Before you delete your account. Backup your data if you'd like a copy. Revoke app permissions. Delete Facebook's apps from your devices. Consider a deletion epitaph to notify friends of your departure.

Click the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of Facebook, and head to Activity Log. from there, click the "More" button in the left sidebar to reveal the "Search" option. Click on it to view

Facebook Timeline Cleaner is the more nuanced option. It allows you to delete posts older or younger than a given time. However, it didn’t work well for me. Jul 28, 2016 · Alternatively, you can delete the post completely by clicking on the ‘X’ button. Hide old Public posts If you have lots of Public posts that you want to hide, believe it or not, Facebook has a Jan 20, 2018 · This “Delete Everything Button” does not exist. So, Facebook wants you to click manually on every single activity of you to review and then delete it. Considering that most of us are active users on Facebook for several years, this process apparently will take days. However, there is a fast-track to delete your Facebook history.