Danger of Public WiFi: Staying Safe on Public Networks

Top 10 Dangers of Public WiFi. So, why is public WiFi so dangerous? Here are the top 10 dangers you expose yourself to when you connect to one of these networks. The dangers of using an unprotected Wi-Fi hotspot, such as those found in coffee shops, airport boarding areas, hotels and other public areas are many. You must assume that any traffic you send or receive via a public Wi-Fi hotspot can be monitored by other parties. The recent explosion of free, public WiFi has been an enormous boon for working professionals. Since these free access points are available at restaurants, hotels, airports, bookstores, and even random retail outlets, you are rarely more than a short trip away from access to your network, and your work. This freedom comes at a price, though, and few truly understand the public Wi-Fi risks Public WiFi has been much maligned as a dangerous Internet space where your information is at risk, but how true is that? What exactly are the dangers that come with using public WiFi?

Why You Really Need to Stop Using Public Wi-Fi

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks. Generally, attacks that take advantage of poor public WiFi security fall …

Today’s WiFi standards are flawed and should not be trusted. One of the biggest threats with free WiFi is the ability for hackers to position themselves between you and the connection point.

The Dangers of Using Public Wi-Fi | Riverside Technologies